Multimedia project


HOME was designed to be a broad multimedia art exhibition. The intention is to ask a group of artists to explore the concept of home, its meanings and representations from a comprehensive perspective, considering how people identify and become attached to places, buildings and objects and how this attachment can contribute to their personal well being and support their identities.
In addition to exploring the idea of shelter and space, the project wants to take a look at the meaning of home for those who have migrated, those who are living in different places, the erratic travelers and their dilemma: Where is home? What does home mean? Am I at home? The project aims to interconnect several disciplines such as installation, photography, design, architecture, painting and video.

Home is the house and the soil and it is the physical body to enclose and protect our souls. It is both the mother’s womb and the whole planet where our lives unfold. But home can be also a place in our memories and fantasies.

By scrutinating the idea of home, the project has the ambition to stimulate a reflection about the challenges for surviving in our world depending on local and global economies that move the eternal movement of individuals and populations from one place to another. Finally, it intend to look at the human battle against nature and the universal urge to create a safe place, a site or a situation to fit in. Considering that we are living in exceptional times and we must change the way we live in order to stop the exhaustion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate.

By exploring the theme under new emotional elements, the project intend to create a compelling experience around the subject and to underline the several meanings and representations of home, encompassing the inner and the outer space, in the present times.




This is a project inspired by the process of begining a new life in another country, the hardships of proving a love retaionship to the Dutch immigration services and the whole effort to settle in the Lowlands.