Colour photographs
1997 - Present

"Aleatoris" is a set of messages collected from walls, posters, advertisements and protests signs found by chance in the public spaces of different cities. The short texts launch a fragment of an idea, bringing a mysterious element that touches layers of subjectivity, suggesting infinite associations. Continually in progress, they form a series of expressions, enigmas, and mind games while awaking new insights.

Inseparable from conceptual art, text art has the potential to produce other perceptions of the world, both aesthetic, poetic, and political. Here, their messages appear as a silent, dubious element that produces strangeness or wonder, paraphrasing Jacques Rancieré, with the power to stimulate reflection and mobilization.

In ancient Rome, 'aleatoris' was a gambling houses and 'aleator' was the dice player. Thus, from the Latin, 'alea', the word refers to the dice as well as the act of playing a game of chance. With an uncertain outcome, the series "Aleatoris" can be seen as an aesthetic, literary and ideological game that identifies a transformative visual language offered by everyday life and cultures.

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