Mixed media on BW photograph
Variable dimensions
Exhibition/Public Exams Master of Arts - Intermedia
Galeria Cozinha / Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto - FBAUP
Porto PT,
Mixed media, photographs and objects
What therefore is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms: in short a sum of human relations which became poetically and rhetorically intensified, metamorphosed, adorned, and after long usage seem to a notion fixed, canonic, and binding.
Truths are illusions of which one has forgotten that they are illusions; worn-out metaphors which have become powerless to affect the senses; coins which have their obverse effaced and now are no longer of account as coins but merely as metal.
_F. Nietzsche
Translation of the original text in Portuguese into English of the invitation for the public exames and exhibition:The task of scrutinizing memory - uprooted, exiled and stateless - extended between departure and past, present and the beginnings, to attribute a form to the obstacle/impotence, this is the meaning of the mountain. Its body was not at all new. Every now and then, the furtive appearance of something I call a mountain appears in my authorial work. The contours are always the same: slope, peak, volume, shadow, rigidity, austerity, amazement, paralysis, impotence. Now, the apparition seized the whole sense of lack, enclosing nostalgia and the nameless insoluble, accommodating them in a kind of vault, rock, block, Kaaba, sphinx. My own helplessness. The impotence of non-white women artists in their struggle to exist - poetically and literally - in a foreigner country / in the West.
Evoking the geography turned into an object and transmuted into a political sensitive, the metaphor of the mountain was the vector for the accomplishment of this work. The sculptural object was built and destroyed and here I pay tribute to it, revering its ubiquity in this project. Little by little, superimposed and crossed by my own body, which took an increasingly central place in the works carried out under the theme of this master thesis, the mountain is as a political argument proclaimed in the first person.
With the exception of the “Dark Girl” (2018) poster, all works that make up this exhibition resulted from the reflection which bulit this research.
_Neyde Lantyer, Porto, 2021
Original text in Portuguese:
A tarefa de vasculhar a memória - desenraizada, exilada e apátrida - estendida entre a partida e o passado, o presente e os primórdios, para atribuir uma forma ao obstáculo/impotência, esse é o sentido da montanha. Seu corpo não era de todo uma novidade. Vez ou outra, a aparição furtiva de algo que chamo de montanha surge no meu trabalho autoral. Seus contornos são sempre os mesmos, encosta, pico, volume, sombra, rigidez, austeridade, espanto, paralisia, impotência. Agora, a aparição arrebatou todo o sentido da falta, encerrando o insolúvel inominável e a nostalgia, acomodando-os numa espécie de cofre, rocha, bloco, caaba, esfinge. Minha própria impotência. A impotência das mulheres artistas não-brancas na sua disputa por existir - poética e literalmente - no estrangeiro/ Ocidente.
Suscitando uma paisagem tornada objeto e transmutada em sensível político, a metáfora da montanha foi o vetor para a realização deste trabalho, inspirando diversas feituras. O objeto escultórico foi construído e destruído e aqui lhe rendo homenagem, reverenciando sua onipresença neste projeto. Pouco a pouco, sobreposta /atravessada pela meu próprio corpo, que tomou um lugar cada ver mais central nas obras realizadas sob o tema deste trabalho, a montanha é como um argumento político proclamado na primeira pessoa.
Com excessão do poster “Dark Girl” (2018), todos os trabalhos que compõem esta mostra resultaram da reflexãoque construiu esta pesquisa.
_Neyde Lantyer, 26 de novembro de 2021, Porto, Portugal
Mixed media on BW photograph on cotton paper
Variable dimensions
Limited editions
Othe works from the project
Live flowers, bricks and objects
Variable dimensions
Acrylic on fabric / Unique
Variable dimensions
More on the exhibition/public exams
Master of Arts - Intermedia
Galeria Cozinha / Faculdade de Belas Artes da
Universidade do Porto - FBAUP,
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