T-shirts / Text / Performance
Nieuwe Kerk (Sale 4 #Come Slow) Amsterdam, The Netherlands


In 2002, I got a job in a 4 star hotel serving breakfast.
Speaking no Dutch and having no experience of serving tables, I did my best to make it up. Everything was a challenge: from the awful aubergine uniform to the obligation of using make-up at 6.30h in the morning.

One day the manager, a blond, made-up, beautiful, young woman who never really showed her appreciation for my efforts, appeared in the middle of rush hour. She came directly to me and said I was too serious, that I should smile.

I was surprise because I did not noticed the other girls smiling while serving the tables.

It is different, she replied: “A dark girl has to smile more!”


Interactive project developed during the exhibition Sale 4 at The Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam.

The concept reflects on immigration, race, belonging and the challenges faced by non- europeans women in their work relations.
It was developed with the collaboration of several women visiting the exhibition.