Video mp4 w/ text, music and chromaticism
Studio K Amsterdam
Video mp4 w/ text, music and chromaticism
Studio K Amsterdam
Screening at Studio K, Amsterdam
The video uses bright colors and loud music to elicit a sensorial/emotional confusion for the spectator. The combination of three distinct inputs, namely text, color, and music, results in a stimulating yet somewhat uncomfortable experience. The intention is to offer an almost physical/deep sensorial impression by means of strong chromatic appeal, happy loud music and the slow pace of the narrative.
The work is composed by a series of 4 short videos. While 3 of them tell a story each, the last one recites a poem. The stories are short narratives of events experienced by the artist as an immigrant in Europe (Lantyer is a South American woman living n Holland) and the poem is a reflection on the same subject. The narratives interconnect three layers of the experience she wants to communicate: being a migrant + being a woman + being an artist, all together. All the stories contain light discomfort, light humour and lots of poetry.
Neyde Lantyer, Amsterdam 2018.
Video frames
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